The Shamanic Smudging Fan is used in Sacred Ceremonies. Its use is in fanning burning, smouldering plants (or the smoking resins in a safe container) in order to ritually cleanse a space used for prayer, meditation or healing work. In the Native American Traditions and Culture, an Abalone Shell is often used to hold and contain a burning/smouldering plant, such as Sacred Californian White Sage, Sweetgrass or Cedar.
The smudging fans displayed on this site have been made in Sacred Ceremony. Whilst making these fans, blessings were conveyed to the animals from whom the feathers & hide have been used. In some smudging fans, crystals have been included and honoured.
In this offering of sacred objects, I would like to express my gratitude to Patricia White Buffalo for the depth of her teachings and healing work. In this offering of sacred objects, I wish you much peace and happiness, many blessings coming your way.
Shamanic Smudge Fan
Materials: Turkey feathers, White Ostrich feathers, Black Ostrich and Peacock feathers, Deer leather