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Health and Healing

Mind Matters

What matters more than Mind lies beyond Mind.

To reference a great man, Einstein, he pointed out that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.  

If thinking, belief systems and mind get us in trouble, what then gets us out of trouble?



Individual Healing Sessions

When new to Healing Work, it can be simply soothing and nourishing to feel and immerse oneself into a healing session.  There may not necessarily be a need to know more.  Instead, receiving is the key.

For those already on a Healing Path, having started self-enquiry at whatever level that might be in that moment, it may be comforting, nourishing and deepening all at the same time to walk this Path for a brief while during a healing session with someone who has walked this Path for a while.  

Different aspects of one's inner journey may well come to the fore as a result of this shared time and interaction.

Feedback and insights can be provided - if wished - towards the end of the healing session.

Health and Healing Group Program

Ever felt like you would like to know more about the ancient healing ways?  

This group program is a 6 months introductory course.  Teachings will be provided as well as a chance to experience Shamanic Journeying and Shamanic Healing Work.  

Each Class lasts 4 hours, in which there is also time for Q&A.  The group closes with some Meditation Teachings and Practice.

There will be access to course materials before each class in order to deepen the learning process.  

Classes will be held on Saturdays from 10:00 to 14:30 with a half an hour break.  

As this is planned to be a small group, there are limited places available, so enquire early if you'd like to attend this group program.  

The Group Program is provisionally planned for the second half of 2023.

Health and Healing Personal Program

In a Personal Program, a 6 month commitment is asked of the client so that an immersion can take place into Healing Work.

In order to explore the deeper aspects of Shamanic Healing work and Soul Retrievals, thirteen sessions are booked over a 6 month period as one block.  To allow for integration time, the sessions are planned fortnightly.  

Once the client has booked their place within the Program, convenient appointments can be chosen through the booking system.

This Personal Program is tailored throughout.  What is extra in this Program is a Vedic Astrology or Jyotish Analysis of the client's birth chart.  The purpose of Jyotish is to research the client's birth chart alongside the progress of the healing work provided within this Personal Program.  What is included is at least 2 hours of Jyotish analysis alongside the booked sessions. Jyotish at present is not offered to casual clients and will for now only be offered to clients committed to at least 6 months of healing work.  The full details of this program can be found through the Booking Button.

Anchor 1 Group Program
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